Friday, February 26, 2010

There are no happy endings

every endings is sad.. there are no happy endings.. because if it were happy, it wouldn't end.. it would go on forever, wouldn't it? Every ending is the end for the line of something, whether it's the ending of a relationship or the ending of a life.. Everything would be over and even the sweetest love story must ends sometimes.. A couple are going to be separated by death sooner or later.. and death are never happy..

i hate endings.. i want happily ever after.. i want my story to go on as long as it can.. but i realize, a happily ever after ending is only in a fairy tales.. and the term "happily ever after" itself means no ending.. we just say it's a happily ever after ending because we're told that they lived happily ever after.. and as far as we concerned, the story ends happily.. but, what if the story ends just before it begin..?

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Friday, February 26, 2010

There are no happy endings

every endings is sad.. there are no happy endings.. because if it were happy, it wouldn't end.. it would go on forever, wouldn't it? Every ending is the end for the line of something, whether it's the ending of a relationship or the ending of a life.. Everything would be over and even the sweetest love story must ends sometimes.. A couple are going to be separated by death sooner or later.. and death are never happy..

i hate endings.. i want happily ever after.. i want my story to go on as long as it can.. but i realize, a happily ever after ending is only in a fairy tales.. and the term "happily ever after" itself means no ending.. we just say it's a happily ever after ending because we're told that they lived happily ever after.. and as far as we concerned, the story ends happily.. but, what if the story ends just before it begin..?

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